Breaking down barriers: How to accelerate the transition to net zero cement and concrete
This event will bring together senior representatives from the cement and concrete industry – both from established players and from a new generation of emerging technology providers – as well as from financiers, academia, and governments, to discuss:
- Requirements to accelerate innovation and adoption of new technologies, through corporate and public-private partnerships as well as targeted financial assistance
- Persistent policy and regulatory barriers hindering development and scaling of different decarbonization technologies, as well as promising approaches to learn from and build on
- Unique challenges and opportunities which companies and governments face in developing and emerging regions, as well as ways to address them
10.00 Networking coffee
10.30 Opening Remarks
Per Andersson, Head of Secretariat, LeadIT
Thomas Guillot, CEO, GCCA
10.35 Keynote address
Catherine Stewart, Ambassador for Climate Change,, Canada
10.45 Moderated panel discussion: Innovation and partnerships
Speakers: representatives from Sweden, Cemex, Queens Carbon, IFC, and GCCA
Guiding questions:
- What support is needed to develop and test different breakthrough technologies? How can established corporates work alongside a new generation of start-ups?
- What are the common opportunities and challenges of adopting innovations in the cement industry?
- How can the transition in developing and emerging economies be supported through knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and co-development?
11.25 Moderated panel discussion: Enabling policy and regulation
Speakers: representatives from South Africa, Holcim, Dalmia, Carbon BioCapture, and Columbia University
Guiding questions:
- What policies and regulatory approaches are needed to enable deployment of cement decarbonization technologies?
- What are requirements and priorities for different companies and technologies?
- What are successful examples which should be learnt from and built on?
11.55 Moderated discussion among speakers and the audience
12.25 Conclusion
Watch the event here
Practical information
26 September 2024
Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce,
900 3rd Ave 29th floor, New York