Financing Industry Decarbonization for a Just Transition
LeadIT is delighted to co-host this official side event of the 14th Clean Industry Ministerial and the 8th Mission Innovation (MI-8), in Goa, India together with The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and the Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative (IDDI). Narrowing the financing gap for deep decarbonization efforts in hard-to-abate sectors (For example, iron and steel, cement and aluminum, pulp and paper, chemicals, shipping) is essential to helping developing countries make a just transition to zero-carbon growth paths. Equally, it is critical to channel concessional resources where they can be most effective and provide a transformational effect that can lead to replication and scaled up investments across the developing world.
This event will explore enhanced coordination and targeted finance amongst partners and initiatives to maximize development impact. In addition, it will convene government, industry, and multilateral development banks to discuss where concessional resources can be channeled in support of industry decarbonization globally.
More information on CEM14/MI-8 website
Practical information
22 July 2023
3:00 PM
- 4:30 PM
Ballroom 1, Invite-only event (IST)