Time to “move from words to action” – India Sweden ITP inaugural meeting
The India Sweden industry transition partnership (ITP) which was established under LeadIT as part of the work of the Group does to support accelerated, more ambitious decarbonization pathways in industry will meet for the first time in India.
The concept of the ITP recognizes the vital role played by co-operation between countries and companies to bring together industry transition frontrunners that have an ambition to align with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. It aims to be a dedicated and inclusive platform to collaborate and support technical advances that can facilitate transition in industry and to show tangible results and real progress by, and at, COP30 in 2025.
Industrial development which supports net zero commitments is essential for the environmental, social and economic prosperity of all nations, but challenges exist in achieving this in a fair and just manner. The ITP recognizes these challenges and is organized in five working groups bringing together key stakeholders from business, government and academia.
- Steel
- Cement
- Innovation
- Finance
- Carbon Markets
Ahead of the meeting Helen Ågren, Director, Swedish Ministry of Climate stressed the importance of collaboration and technical co-development to solve the climate crisis:
“Sweden and India have a long history of cooperation. This meeting will be an important step in our joint work for a green transition and efforts to reduce emmissions from heavy industry like steel and cement. We are ready to move from words to action. Sweden is a frontrunner on green industry transition. If our experiences can be useful for India, one of the largest markets for basic materials in the world , we can look forward to substantial emission cuts.”
Her Indian counterpart Ruchika Drall, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change also stressed the expectations arising from the India-Sweden ITP and how it will further strengthen the cooperation between the two countries:
“Industry is ambitious and excited about the partnership and hopes to see some real transitions on the ground through co-development.”
Practical information
22 April 2024
New Delhi, India - by invitation