Industry stakeholders gather in South Africa to map decarbonisation challenges and opportunities in the iron and steel value chain.
On 18 April, LeadIT is co-hosting a workshop to discuss challenges and opportunities to decarbonize South Africa´s iron and steel value chain together with the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competition (dtic) in South Africa and Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS).
The workshop will bring together more than 40 decision-makers and experts from industry, government, academia and civil society and focus on challenges and opportunities to achieve sustainable growth and development of the iron and steel value chain in South Africa in light of increasing climate change risks and a changing global and local policy environment.
The global steel sector is at a crossroads, and data from our Green Steel Tracker shows that the transition away from emission-intensive steel production has already begun. To meet climate targets and avoid carbon lock-in and stranded assets, the global steel sector must use the 2020s to invest massively in low-carbon steelmaking technologies.
South Africa is committed to decarbonize the iron and steel industry and joined LeadIT in 2022. The steel workshop in South Africa will support national-level plans, including the Steel and Metal Fabrication Master Plan. The outcome of the workshop will be presented in June through reports published by TIPS and LeadIT.
Keynote speakers include representatives from the Department of Trade, Industry, and Competitiveness, University of Capetown, South Africa Steel industry. LeadIT and TIPS will also present their perspective on how to transform the iron and steel industry in South Africa.