Standards and Evaluation Guidelines for Green Public Procurement.
In this brief, jointly produced by the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), the Industrial Deep Decarbonisation Initiative (IDDI), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), we outline the standards and evaluation guidelines for Green Public Procurement.
Environmental impact quantification methods and reporting standards are needed for procuring agencies to evaluate and compare the environmental impact of products. Most green public procurement (GPP) programmes use environmental product declarations (EPDs) or eco-labels as an environmental impact reporting standard. In this brief, we clarify the unit of measurement to be reported, life cycle impacts to be used, mandatory production steps to be included within the life cycle inventory, and suggestions on assumptions to be made about the calculations.
This is the second brief in a series of white papers that go into more detail on how to implement GPP Programmes for the steel and cement sectors, following our How to guide for green public procurement in the steel and cement sectors published in June 2021. The first brief focused on target setting for Green Public Procurement (GPP) Programmes.
Read the brief (pdf)